While I was watching Bill O’Reilly earlier he had a “Talking Points” memo about President Bill Clinton tearing apart some complete lunatic who was screaming the extremist mindset that 9/11 was an inside job. Bill O’Reilly’s compliments to President Clinton (and condemnation of Hillary) aside, I absolutely loved Clinton’s response to the whack job in the audience:
I’ve never been more proud of President Clinton! Good for this man! And I agree – how DARE the lunatics in this world say that 9/11 was an inside job. The problem here, folks, is that these idiot losers who are out there spreading these moronic lies used to be the people that you never saw out in public. Why? Because they generally live in their parents’ basement playing Dungeons and Dragons and cutting themselves all day.
Good for President Clinton! If this is his stance towards these extremist lunatics, then maybe it won’t be the end of the world when he moves back into the White House in January 2009!
Clinton was a good Prez. I saw him in many places (meadowlands , Rutgers, Seattle) and in spite of his foibles still look fondly on his presidency.