Now I may be the only one, but I am completely bored with the crop of Democratic and Republican candidates. If I have to look at John Edwards’ smarmy, sneaky mug one more time, I’m going to flip out. And I can’t stand to watch John McCain struggle through a campaign that has nothing of the luster of his 2000 attempt.
Giuliani is alright with me, but I just know that something big will pop up and be a disaster for him (not sure what yet). And – as many far-left liberal bloggers correctly point out – Clinton is just out for more power for herself and her legacy. Now THAT is scary…
I’m still not quite sure what the big deal is about Obama. The only policy stances that he’s taken are that he’ll raise taxes and he’d consider invading Pakistan if the situation called for it. Both of these are wildly unpopular stances and yet he still gets cheers from audiences around the nation. Makes no sense. And you might as well lump Fred Thompson in this category, too. What does he stand for that makes him so popular?
I like Romney only because he seems to represent the most down-to-earth ideals that I’ve heard yet. But even Romney is missing something – maybe a good Vice Presidential candidate.
As for the rest of the crew – I’ve got no particular feelings on any of them other than that I can’t stand Dodd, Kucinich, or Biden. Hunter, Paul, and Tancredo mean nothing to me (or any other voters out there). Brownback and Huckabee seem like they’ll be good Secretaries in the Cabinet at some point, but they’re not US President material in my view. If I missed any other candidates, oh well – they’re not worth remembering!
I think Romney will indeed get the nod. He’s solid in every aspect.
It is still quite early in the process. I voted for McCain in the Georgia primary in 2000 and hoped he would win. I liked him then and especially hated Bush for the sleaze tactics his campaigners used against McCain, saying he had an out of wedlock black baby leading into the SC primary. Bush never decried the remark.
That said, I find McCain to be warmed over and full of warts now that I know him.
As for Romney, he is a soulless animal abuser (dog on the roof rack).
As for the others you mention, I generally agree that they are flavorless and boring. You failed to mention Richardson, who I regard as the best choice out there right now. He was a cabinet member of the Clinton Admininstration (back when government worked properly) and now is governor of New Mexico. He has a plan for energy independence, which I view as critical. Cheney had his energy meeting and we now know nothing of the events, the attendants or the plan.
So my vote is for Richardson. I hate Hillary BTW, but she is still better than any of the republicans running and as much as I hate to say it, I will pull the lever, scan the card, or push the button for her over these (R) toads.