FOX News debuted a show a few weeks (months, really) ago called the Half Hour News Hour. It’s a right-wing take on the Daily Show, Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update, and the Colbert Report. The show has absolutely dominated its competition in its time slot on cable news. Yet it gets universally panned by critics.
Seems about right!
Listen folks, the hard truth of our world is that television programming is DOMINATED by programming from the far left and the liberal point of view. It just is. Anyone who watches Jon Stewart on the Daily Show and doesn’t think that the show has a huge liberal bend is just batty. And quite frankly, the humor that Jon Stewart spews is no more “factual” than the humor that the hosts on the Half Hour News Hour spew. Both shows tell fake news as real news, but only Stewart’s news is actually taken as fact by the brainwashed young masses…
And this is a fair blog – the AM dial is completely controlled by the right wing pundits, as is most talk radio. Do those hosts tell the complete truth? Well, sometimes, but they certainly have an agenda that they are pushing – that’s clear.
What I find really saddening about the media universally bashing this FOX News comedy show is that it proves things that the brainwashed masses just don’t want to admit. For example, this show is, in fact, a success and by NOT admitting that in their reporting, the major media sources show their anti-FOX bias. Remember, we’re not talking about the USA Network or network television channels like NBC or CBS where getting 1.4 million viewers is a miserable failure. This is a cable news channel. CABLE NEWS!
Make no mistake about it – to draw in numbers like that for a half hour comedy show is impressive and a huge success. But don’t expect to see that fact put out there in the mainstream media…that would ruin their obvious falsehood that the show is a failure for the right-wing and the FOX News Channel! If you want to watch a funny half hour of television, then check out the Half Hour News Hour. Is it the funniest 30 minutes on television? Absolutely not – check out Scrubs or the Office for that! But is it better than the 50+ “Bush is an idiot” jokes that you’ll get on the Daily Show and the “President Bush is Stupid” jokes you’ll get on Weekend Update?
Absolutely. And don’t believe just me – the numbers speak for themselves!
Hey Joe,
The problem is that those in power tend to not be funny. Limbaugh stopped being funny in 1995. I Should know I listened to him since 1987 when he began in NYC. As for the liberal bias of comedy central, yes they are to the left but remember they skewer the left when they deserve it unlike Faux News programs. As for liberal bias in general… to quote the great Stephen Colbert “Reality has a well known liberal bias.”
As for your leanings I am surprised you still think of yourself as a republican. They are a largely discredited lot and will lose heavily in 2008. For that matter a generation has been lost to the dems due to this administrations policies and those who have blindly followed them.
I don’t think that the Republicans have lost this generation. I think that they’ve lost the vocal members of this generation, but there may be a silent majority brewing.
Of course, this silent majority (as I feel it) is neither Democrat or Republican. As I say time and time again, we’re all waiting for the 3rd party to come out and take over!
I don’t disagree about a third party, however I see it as a splinter in the conservative side between the christian right and the libertarian streak in the partyand alot of Ron Paul libertarian types might be what finally takes out the Republicans.
As I see it they have just about lost 2008 in the presidential race and I predict congress will further slide toward the D’s.
Where I disagree is on the “silent majority” part. Political affiliation typically forms in one’s 20’s and many in that report I cited are Dems at about 50% in their 20’s so I think it is a lost cause for your party.
Well, since I don’t have a political party, I don’t think I have any lost causes. I’m a registered independent (though I almost registered as a member of the Constitution Party – which would, I guess, be a lost cause in and of itself!).
Sorry, but I put no faith in the report you cited simply because the Democracy Corps have Carville (Democrat), Greenberg (Democrat) and Shrum (Democrat) as their founders. They also list op-eds from Begalia (Democrat) and Friedman (Democrat) on their page. Just because they self-cite themselves as “independent” doesn’t make it so. Just like President Bush calling himself a good representation of the Republican Party doesn’t make it so (as the polls glaringly show us).
After having gone through masters-level statistics and getting into many fights with many professors, they all admitted (in front of the classes) that statistics can be and ARE frequently manipulated by think-tanks. Hey, someone has to pay the bills for these think-tanks and those funds come mostly in the form of grants and donations so these organizations must pump out what their money sources want to hear.
And even as political affiliation does form in one’s 20’s – it usually chances two and three times over the course of a person’s life. If that wasn’t so, then we’d all be Federalists (or more likely Democratic-Republicans since they dominated the early 1800’s). So is there a silent majority out there? Of course. Not everyone goes around with a picket sign or a cause. In fact, the a minority of the public goes around letting everyone know what they think. Most of us just kind of look at those people and either wonder how they pay the bills when they’re picketing during the day or say, “He makes a good point,” or “Wow. What an idiot.”
Like I said before – this silent majority is not Democrat or Republican. We’re something else (I like to call it “normal”).
I do not understand your point. FOX NEWS (!!!) is cancelling the show. They are not part of the Liberal Media by anyone’s estimation. So how do you deduce that the Media-bashing of Half Hour News Hour is the reason the show is being taken off the air?
If the Media-bashed Fox’s other shows would Fox take THEM off the air?
Let us assume that Half Hour News Hour is a great show and is a ratings success; if it gets taken off the air, blame Fox News for being cowards.
I assume you read Hot Air and other Conservative sites: Half Hour News Hour is embarrassing to people who support its politics.
I don’t even know what Hot Air is…and I have no idea which websites are conservative. I read,,, and my local newspapers online.
Can’t I have a fucking opinion without someone thinking that it’s fueled by some hardcore right-wing website? And I’m pretty sure that the Half Hour News Hour just ran the course of its 15 episodes that were scheduled and that FOX chose not to pick it up…which isn’t surprising because FOX executives are notoriously stupid (canceling Family Guy and Futurama?).
I am a reader who stumbled onto your blog. I have less of an axe to grind than you. I assumed people form blogs because they want readers and I did not understand your point.
If your point was that Fox should not have canceled the show because it had good ratings, I agree with you. If your point was that Fox should not have canceled the show because you liked it, I agree with you.
I referred to Hot Air because many, many people thought the show was awful. I watched it three times and thought it was the most amateurish and strident show I had seen. The two African guys explaining how Blacks were the actual Jewish People on Cable had more interesting ideas and more open-mindedness.
Allow me to say one more thing: I didn’t accuse you of anything. I like blogs, especially the individual blogs like yours. I was commenting.
Gotcha! [Thumbs Up]