How many of us have been pulled over by a cop and given a ticket that is completely unjust? You know this bullshit – you get pulled over and the cop goes, “Do you know why I pulled you over?” A few minutes later and you’re getting a seatbelt ticket when you were clearly pulled over because you were speeding. The Founding Fathers would shit their pants if they saw the debacle that America’s criminal justice system has become today.
Now take that scenario to the next level. You go to your friend’s house and you have a few beers. You drive the .5 mile drive back to your place and you get pulled over and get a DWI. Now imagine you have a suspended license while doing this – of COURSE you’re going to go to jail!!!
Thank God the judge in this case ordered the sheriff to go get Paris. And thank God that when she DID come back to court, the judge sent her ass right back to prison. Hey, it’s not society’s fault if this fucking idiot bimbo started to get mental after only THREE days of sitting in a room with nothing to keep her company but her thoughts.
Scary, isn’t it? Paris Hilton alone in a room with her thoughts…
I don’t even know if Stephen King can write such horror!
Anyway, she belongs in jail for what she did. I would have went to jail, you would have went to jail, Paris Hilton belongs in jail. And good for the judge to send her to jail for the full sentence of 45 days.
There might just be justice in America yet!
The Twin Towers professional staff has positively diagnosed Paris Hilton’s condition.
Miss Hilton has been confirmed to be suffering from an advanced case of HUTAS (Head Up The Ass Syndrome). Hilton exhibits the advanced symptoms related to a patient with their head clearly up their ass. It is known that if HUTAS isn’t diagnosed and treated in its early stages, the condition suffocates the brain and leads to irreversible systemic damage. Symptoms are characterized by a lack of intelligence, muffled hysteria and blind arrogance which enlarges the head making it more difficult to cure the disease.
Treatment for HUTAS includes applying repeated and sufficient force to each side of the buttocks with one’s foot. Having the patient walking or running while their buttocks is booted builds psychological remedy for the patient and satisfaction for the treatment specialist. Most professionals agree that in Miss Hilton’s case, several hundred treatment sessions will be required to obtain full remission. Due to the expected long and arduous recovery period, it is recommended that the public at large be recruited to administer treatments.