With the passing of the Revered Jerry Falwell, many people are letting their feelings about the man be known. Most of what you hear are traditional-minded Americans who are mourning a religious leader. Everyone once in a while you hear a secular relativist who denounces Falwell’s recitation of the Bible where it is made clear that certain behaviors are against God’s intent. But whatever your view is on the man’s personal beliefs and what he preached, you have to absolutely hate what the Westboro Baptists are doing now.
If you don’t know, the Westboro Baptists are the assholes who picket military funerals with “God hates fags” signs. Their message is that since America has become a less religious place and since personal indulgence has become a way of life for most of America, that God now hates this country. They spread this message at military funerals because they believe that God strikes down those who defend this country. Obviously, these people are mentally deranged. I watched a BBC documentary on their cult and it’s scary to see the brainwashing that takes place. Really.
Now these bastards will be protesting Jerry Falwell’s funeral. If that’s not a cry for attention, I don’t know what is. Again, you can like or dislike Falwell’s stances on the issues, but there is no logical reason for these idiots to be at his funeral. Then again, when does logic ever apply to the Westboro Baptists?
Logic not applying to the Westboro Baptist Church is a huge understatement. These are the same people who claim that every natrual disaster, domestic attacks on our soil, or our soldiers dying in war is a clear sign that God is punishing America. These are the same people that claim the Coal Miners, Columbia Astronauts, Ronald Reagan, the Amish school girls, and the 9/11 victims are all in hell. That Phelps character is truly deranged, and just like how Bin Laden is “too important” too strap a bomb to himself and sacrifice himself, even though it’s the greatest honor you an supposedly do… you never see the “Grandpa” Phelps at those protests. Nah… he sends his kids and grandchildren to go. And yes, the BBC documentary was horrifying… especially with what they are teaching those young children.
Yeah man, they are a foul bunch.
If anyone was to try to find a silver lining in their very existence, I would say that when people call those of us who go to Church and pray to our God and pray to Jesus Christ “religious fanatics” and equate us to the Taliban, I can just point my finger at the Westboro Baptists and say, “I think you mean them.”
And even that’s a stretch.