You can’t even trust the pizza man any more! In a huge success for this nation’s anti-terror task forces, a plot to shoot-up Fort Dix was thwarted yesterday when six Islamic extremists were apprehended before their terrorist plans could become reality. Thank God for the diligence of the hero in this case, a simple store clerk who was vigilant following the September 11th attacks.
This guy should be given the highest honor that this country can give at every level it can be given. As the linked article says, this group of 6 was preparing a platoon to take on an army. Granted, the United States military would have dispatched their platoon pretty quickly, that does not mean that they couldn’t have killed a large number of our men and women who serve – even if they’re serving on stateside.
There are a few really disheartening things that come out of this episode, though. Not the least of these is the fact that now there are quasi-home grown terrorist groups that are springing up that want to be Al-Qaida, yet are not. So not only are the “professional” terrorists plotting against our country, now we have wannabe terrorists doing the same. Great.
And I’m confident that some multiculturalist fanatic out there already trying to find ways to NOT blame this on six men of Middle Eastern/near-Middle Eastern descent. When this country’s politicians get balls enough to endorse extra security screening for young, male, Middle-Easterners we will finally have a politician who cuts through the bullshit and works in favor of this country’s best interests.
“And I’m confident that some multiculturalist fanatic out there already trying to find ways to NOT blame this on six men of Middle Eastern/near-Middle Eastern descent. When this country’s politicians get balls enough to endorse extra security screening for young, male, Middle-Easterners we will finally have a politician who cuts through the bullshit and works in favor of this country’s best interests.”