This past Monday the immigrant community held their newly annual “May Day” protest march in favor of immigration. Not only is this march a gigantic waste of time, but it will never work. Why, you ask? Well, let me explain.
The biggest reason is that the majority of Americans (both Republicans and Democrats) are completely turned off by these rallies when they look at the footage and see tons of Mexican flags being waved in place of American flags. Sure, you see American flags and in some rallies you see American flags all over the place – but when you have mass gatherings of foreign born folks gathering in American streets waving any flag other than the American one, you will turn the massive majority of Americans off. And as opposed to what some extremists might try to say, that’s the God’s Honest truth.
Further, the majority of these rallies are polluted by completely ridiculous anti-traditionalist and anti-Republican slogans. There has been no American President in recent history that is more pro-immigration (and pro-amnesty) than George W. Bush. Yet there are extremists sprinkled among the good-hearted immigrant population who are waving “No War on Iraq, No War on Immigrants” banners. Huh? What the fuck does that mean? Does NO ONE listen to the completely pro-immigration policy that the President puts forward? And how the hell does Iraq factor into any of this?!?
However, the problem that will continue to derail the protesters’ each and every year is the core message that they are advocating for with the rallies. You see, when one common American is sitting in a room with friends or family watching these rallies, it’s rare that they actually hear what the news commentators say. Why is this? Because inevitably one of the people in the room says, “What’s this all about?” And they get their answer from someone else in the room, which pretty much rips apart the rallies. And that answer is the no bullshit truth…
That these rallies are being held so that the millions of illegal immigrants that are already in American are given a blanket amnesty to stay – yet earn – their citizenship. And quite frankly, that’s breaking the law. If you are here illegally, you broke the law. Leave and come back legally and American will welcome you. The common American hears this and says, “What? I can’t break the law – why can they?” Boom! Immediately there is zero support for these protesters.
And as if their core purpose for protesting wasn’t enough, these protesters claim that we are a nation of immigrants. Well, not only does the common American not like it when the laws of his land are broken by a group of defiant protesters, he HATES it when you tell him that he’s not American. And this is something that needs to be spoken in the public dialogue more. We are NOT a nation of immigrants. We are a nation FOUNDED by immigrants. I was born in America, as were my brothers, my cousins, my parents, and one set of my grandparents. I have college friends who can trace their lineage back to the Mayflower. Are THEY immigrants? Absolutely not!
So the May Day rallies will never work because of the common, apolitical American that does not like it when his country’s laws are broken just as much as he doesn’t like being told that he’s not an American. The pro-illegal immigration groups need to find a new way to push their cause…because rallies bring about the truth and the truth is that they are not pushing a popular agenda.
My friend posted this which I thought was fitting to share here:
In order to keep this short, I won’t express all of my feelings regarding the matter. However, I believe one important issue must be addressed:
To all of the pro-immigrant protesters, and to those of them who may be illegal immigrants themselves, what POSSIBLE good does it do your cause to wave the MEXICAN flag? If you want to be naturalized as an AMERICAN citizen, wouldn’t it bode well for you to show some PRIDE in being a potential AMERICAN? If Mexico is so fantastic that you have to wave the Mexican flag and not the American flag, then pack your shit and go back to Mexico. Feel free to wave the Mexican flag during the Olympics, the World Cup, and major holidays. Just be sure you have an American flag waving as well. If you truly want to live here and be a citizen here and contribute to the success of America while enjoying all of it’s benefits, then by all means WELCOME and ENJOY! Learn our language, our history, our laws, and the basics of our institutions, but feel free to stay true to your own culture and traditions. At the very least learn the language of the men and women who fought/fight and sometimes die for the freedoms you want to enjoy here.
Thanks, Eddie.
See, I have to think that these rallies are really aggravating for guys like you – of Eastern European decent. You have folks out in the streets saying that they should be allowed to come in as they please without having to wait in any lines. Meanwhile, some of our best immigrants came legally from the European nations and they followed the rules.
What’s so bad about just following the damn rules?