Patrick J. Buchanan tells a compelling story in State of Emergency that is enough to make you want to get up off your seat and run outside and do something. The issue of the book is illegal and rampant immigration. The scare of the book is that Mr. Buchanan isn’t telling some story – he’s speaking the cold, hard truth.
One of the points that is hammered home time and time again in the book is how our country is experiencing an indigestion from our current immigration policies. We have allowed more immigrants to enter the United States since the mid-1960’s through 2006 as we allowed to enter our country from the founding of the first British colonies in the 1600’s through the 1960’s. Think about that for a minute. More people have entered into America in the last 40 years than the 400 years prior. That’s insanity!
This is, of course, a result of the liberal, cultural revolution that took place in the 1960’s. Senator Ted Kennedy supported the bill that overturned our immigration system and Mr. Buchanan preaches that it is high time that we re-institute our former halt on immigration while we allow the “melting pot” of America time to assimilate our new citizens. Now before all of you dim-witted, half-truth throwing liberals say that to do this is xenophobic and racist, do some fucking research. America had a VERY tight immigration policy before the 1960’s. And during this time we were able to bring in millions of immigrants and assimilate them into American culture. It worked like a charm.
But no one can deny that the outrageous immigration situation in America today is failing us as a nation. First of all, the basic tenets of the laws have been bastardized by a liberal system. What does that mean? It means this… Did you know that if you are born in America, you do NOT necessarily become an automatic citizen? Part of the 14th amendment that granted citizenship to all those born in America also says, “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” Well, what does that mean? That means that if you are born in America, if you are not born by those who are subject to American jurisdiction (illegal immigrants), then you are NOT an American citizen.
And that’s not hardcore right-wing bomb throwing. That’s right there in the Constitution. Look it up.
Mr. Buchanan backs up his statements with a bevy of historical data that one cannot rely deny. At times when I was reading this book I thought it would have been nice to have an opposing point of view to compare Mr. Buchanan’s ideas with. However, the sad truth is that there are few people out there who take an intelligently legitimate stand when talking about these issues.
For example, how many pro-immigration activists do you ever hear talking about La Reconquista and the real threat of Mexican legal and illegal immigrants attempting to re-annex the Southwest of America? It’s NOT just people on the right side of the aisle screaming and hooting and hollering about nothing!
The beauty of Mr. Buchanan’s book is that his overwhelming knowledge of world and American history provides him with a basis for his thoughts which is rare in today’s political climate. And there is a degree of self-humiliation in his writing, too. Mr. Buchanan openly states when he has supported previous legislation that turned out to be the wrong course of action (he talks about support President Kennedy’s now-failed immigration policies and President Reagan’s unsuccessful amnesty program).
This is a great book for anyone who wants the future of this country to be an American future. And for all of you bigots and dishonest intellectuals out there, an “American” future doesn’t preclude any influence from the rest of the world, nor does it mean that we stop our immigration policies and just close up shop. It means that we protect that which is ours in this culture and we teach those moving into this country the American ideals. And, quite frankly, it means that the phrase of, “American – love it or leave it” becomes more than a phrase.
It becomes a reality – just like it used to be.
I highly recommend this book – you can find it on Amazon or at Barnes & Noble. And once you’ve read it, be sure to let me know what you think!
Good review, Joe. I, too am worried about the continued problem of illegral aliens coming into this country and the proposed amnesty that the left wants.
I’ve got a lot of reading of my own to catch up on, but this book certainly will be added to my list of “eventual reads.”
Yeah, this was a good read. Scary in some parts when you do the math.
Speaking of books on my list of “eventual reads,” I think I’m up to something like 10 books that are collecting dust on my book shelf!
I’ve got to start hammering through them. The one that I’m on now is dreadful (Why Arnold Matters?)