One of the funnier stories in the entertainment media over the last few weeks has been the huge joke that was Sanjaya Malakar’s rise on FOX’s American Idol. What I liked best about Sanjaya was that he was completely clueless as to the joke that was being played on him. Please – a crying girl in the audience didn’t get him the votes that kept him towards the top of the American Idol list and neither did his sub-par singing ability.
What kept Sanjaya on top was a huge group of people who were playing a massive joke on both him and American Idol. Sure, it’s cruel to play a joke on a poor 17 year old kid. But if the name of the game is to let the fans vote, then – in this country – the fans can vote for who they want!
Sanjaya’s latest performance of Bonnie Raitt’s “Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About” was so excruciatingly painful to listen to that I had to laugh out loud tonight when he sang it as his swan song and completely forgot a bunch of the words.
So now that Sanjaya is gone from American Idol the question becomes…is the show still worth watching?!
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