This past December, I had my truck in the shop for a few days and it cost me about a grand in various repairs. Well, here we go again…
For those of you in New Jersey, you know we had a bitch of a snow and ice storm last Friday. I was driving around in the truck and had to turn around after going down a dead-end street and while I was turning around I heard a loud “CLUNK” and then the truck wouldn’t go in reverse any more. So, after pushing the truck back into the middle of the road (I was in the middle of a K-turn when the truck clunked out), I had to drive it only going forward back to my apartment.
The next morning I brought it to the dealership and I heard back from the dealership yesterday. The problem? The transmission is completely shot and the recommendation is to install a brand new, straight-from-the-factory transmission. The cost? Yeah…three thousand dollars!
Now, I’m so far into student loan debt that the shock of owing this amount of money doesn’t phase me. It just sucks – and it doesn’t make me angry or irate any more, it just makes me really sad and down. Here are three thousand dollars that I can’t spend on my new apartment when I move this May, money that I can’t spend on buying a new car (which is now completely out of the picture for another 12 – 18 months), money that I had originally planned to pay down that suffocating student loan debt which is now also out of the picture, etc.
It’s just really a not-great thing to have happen and I’m really just exasperated with the entire situation. I’ve had a headache since I got home on Friday night and it doesn’t seem to be able to go away. I haven’t been able to really sleep well for the last few days – I might have logged in about 10 hours of sleep since Saturday night. I feel completely helpless without having any form of transportation – it just sucks.
Speaking of no transportation, the dealership promised me a loaner car yesterday since that was when one of the cars would be back. As you could imagine, no loaner became available and I’m still without transportation. I’m relying on one of my roommates to drive me around town to do simple tasks like go to the post office and the bank. I’m relying on a co-worker to drive me to work in Trenton.
It’s just pathetic and it sucks and I’m not really happy about any of it.
Don’t feel bad. Both our cars are on the fritz. It really sux because we can’t travel far from our house. 🙁