Anyone who watched the previews for this past Wednesday’s “Lost” on ABC had to be excited about the teaser for the show…
“Three of Lost’s Biggest Questions…Answered!”
How sweet is that? The show that was critically acclaimed for being magnificently different and then critically slammed for answering questions with new questions was finally going to give us the information to help make sense of this crap!
Or not.
Can anyone name one thing that was answered on Lost? Ok, so they showed the kids on the sub-island when Jack was in his cage. Did anyone really think that the kids were killed or anything ridiculous like that? Of course not. Everyone knew that “the Others” had the damn kids.
Was anything else revealed? Ummm…no.
Yet, being the sheep that we are we tuned in to watch this decreasing irrelevant television show hoping that maybe, just maybe, we might get an answer to at least one REAL question. What is a real question for this show? How about where the hell is Michael and his kid? How about who is Ben and why does he hold such sway over the people on his island?
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