Nintendo said from the beginning of their international Wii launch that they wanted to sell 1 million units in a matter of weeks. After debuting in Japan (and selling out on day one), they’ve done just that.
It really is amazing, isn’t it? Sony has their entire company promoting the PlayStation 3, and the XBox 360 is pushed by the biggest brand in software, Microsoft. Yet, the Japanese company that defied the odds in the early 1980’s and fought against the industry trends in the 1990’s and early 2000’s is now the growing power once again.
So where does this leave the console wars? Is high definition gaming really a huge draw for today’s gamer? But the pressing questions at the moment are really: can Microsoft figure out a way to bust the Wii’s momentum? More importantly, with only 360,000 or so units sold, is the Playstation 3 a bust?
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