If I only knew then what I know now, I would never have taken out student loans to attend college. These fucking things have me bound up by the balls until I can make a considerable dent in them. I looked at buying a small condo last week – there’s no WAY I could afford it paying out $800 a month in student loans.
It’s fucking criminal that the government is making all of this money off of my loans and THEN making me pay all of these bullshit taxes – some straight out of my paycheck (SSI anyone?)!
What happened to no taxation without representation?!
I am totally in the same boat.. well not as high a payment as that yet, but I am sure before I am done with all my education that I want to get… I will definitely be paying around the same. It is totally insane! I agree with the taxes crap. SSI will be gone before we ever hit 65 or they will definitely change the age to probaby 75 before we can retire. Its getting ridiculous.