Watch any TV station and you’ll see touching tributes to the folks who were murdered on 9/11. A lot of Americans call the people who died heroes and though the usage of that term sometimes evokes a debate there is one thing that none of us should ever forget. These people were not “victimized” nor were they “terrorized” – they were murdered.
When you watch the news at night and you hear the worst story of the day, chances are it talks about someone getting murdered. When you think about the worst crime a person can commit (think of a prisoner), you think of a mass murderer.
These terrorists who killed themselves in those planes were nothing more than thugs and murderers – and thank God, Allah, or whoever you worship that NO GOD worshipped on this earth condones murder. NONE. I take solace in knowing that these murderers will rot in whatever Hell it is that they fear…and I take solace in knowing that right now, the bastards who hijacked those planes are only a mere 5 years into their eternal Hell.
Now for the practical issue of how to move forward in defeating this scourage of horror, I highly suggest that you all read the article written by Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the 9/11 Commission.
It’s shocking to see how petty turf wars and the American bureaucratic system is fucking up protecting our citizens after what happened five years ago today.
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