I’ve been contemplating going back to school for another Masters Degree.
This degree will not help me in anyway with anything that I’m currently doing professionally, but I think it would be fun to have…I was thinking of getting one in history or maybe Philosophy. And it would be God-awfully expensive to get, too. But I’m an asshole, so I might go ahead and get one. 🙂
The Doctorate is still a bit out of reach for me (for now). And this time if I go to get another Master’s Degree, I’m going to pay for it all up front – none of these blasphemous student loans. Lord knows I’ll be paying for Freshman English for the next 25 years, I’m not looking to do that to myself again any time soon!
What’s your current Master’s in? I have one in Journalism and I basically credit it for landing me my first real job. I went straight through to get it, and man, was it worth it.
I got my Masters in Public Policy with a concentration in Community/Economic Development – I went straight through to get it, too.
And I guess that it also landed me a job (not my first real one, but my first job that I enjoy going to!). I had a summer internship where I had to work for a nonprofit redevelopment firm – as it turns out they hired me on a VERY part-time basis during my last year of school, then they just flipped me to a-little-bit-more than part-time, and they’re working on a plan for a full-blown full-time position for me. They’re a new, young nonprofit, so they’re doing what they can, you know?