Yes, it’s that time of the year again when our local community supported agriculture (CSA) farm opens for business. This past Saturday, my roommate and one of our buddies went to the farm to get our share of this week’s crops. This week we picked up red kale, red lettuce, garlic scapes, bok choy, and collard greens. See the picture of our take below.
Thus far I’ve only tasted some of the garlic scapes after they were made into a very strong pesto by my roommate. I also mixed some of the pesto into some vodka sauce that I had with my garden rotini last night – it was pretty good! As the weeks go on we’ll be getting more and varied types of produce so stay tuned to see what the farm brings us this year!
Oh, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that my roommate and I completely gutted our refrigerator and freezer on Saturday afternoon. After the top-to-bottom cleaning that we gave that thing, there was enough room for us to place the entire bucket of produce that we got from the farm (the red bucket in the picture above) on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. It was a perfect fit!
Joey, It looks delicious. I started a garden last month, just a few things, tomatoes; peppers, stringbeans, watermelons and eggplant. Mom
Nice! Stringbeans straight out of the ground are delicious. Good luck, Mom!