The idiot at FOX who decided to cancel Arrested Development needs to be fired and shunned from the industry starting immediately. How can people NOT be in love with this show? I just got done watching a the first two seasons and I can’t believe that some asshole in some office somewhere actually said, “You know what? Cancel this show.”
What the fuck was that idiot doing?!
This is, by far, the funniest show to come across FOX TV in the last 15 years! Between Jason Bateman, Jessica Walter, Jeffrey Tambor, Will Arnett – I mean the entire cast is incredible! Sure, I understand that some people watch the show and say, “I don’t get it.” But that’s the beauty of watching the first few episodes. Once you “get it,” the show becomes one of the best things on television!
I think that my two favorite characters are Jessica Walter’s “Lucille Bluth” and Michael Cera’s “George-Michael Bluth.” They’re both hilarious because of the side remarks that they make all of the time. From Lucille’s “not for you” when walking by her extremely skinny daughter when she’s in front of food to George Michael’s constantly trying to correct whoever is talking to him while laughing through his words, it’s fucking brilliant.
And since it seems from this article that the show is as good as done with no chance of the creator coming back to series, let’s hope that at least the moron who cancelled the show get fired and shunned from the television industry.
Yea, arrested development was the greatest show ever hopefully one day they will make a movie or bring back the show.
I just started watching the seasons on dvd, and I’m amazed that someone would cancel the show. It is one of the best shows I have ever watched.